California Wheat Commission
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Unit Conversion Factors

California wheat is marketed in Cwt. (100 lbs.) or short tons, as compared to bushels (most of the U.S.) and metric tons (most of the rest of the world).

Hundredweight (Cwt.) = 100 pounds
Short Ton =  2,000 pounds
Metric Ton = 2,204.6 pounds
Bushel (wheat) = 60 lbs.
Acre = 0.4047 hectares or 43,560 square feet
Hectare = 2.47 acres
Square Mile = 640 acres or 259 hectares
Kilogram = 2.2046 pounds

1 Cwt. = 1.67 bushels
1 bushel = 0.6 Cwt.

1 short ton = 20 Cwt.
1 short ton = 33.333 bushels
1 metric ton = 36.7437 bushels

1 bushel = .03 short tons
1 bushel = .0272155 metric tons

$/Cwt x .6 = $/bushel
$/Cwt x 20 = $/ton
$/bushel x 1.67 = $/Cwt.
$/bushel x 33.3 = $/ton

Wheat Protein calculations
Converting 12% Moisture Basis (MB) to Dry Basis = Protein (12% MB) / (1-.12)
Converting Dry Basis to As-Is = Protein (Dry Basis) x (1-moisture content)
Converting Dry Basis to 12% MB = Protein (Dry Basis) x (1-.12)

Test Weight Conversions per FGIS-PN-97-5
Converting lb/bushel to kg/hl (common wheat) = 1.292 x lb/bu + 1.419
Converting lb/bushel to kg/hl (durum wheat) = 1.292 x lb/bu + 0.630